Thursday, August 19, 2010


Pretty awesome, jus' sayin'.

Wow, so it's been how many months since I last posted? Jesus, I didn't even try to keep this going. Big fat thanks to Mandy for reminding me.

So, what's new in my life? Nothing much actually. I've aged in the eye's of society. I have taken up some new hobbies etc. I still haven't gotten around to any of those resolutions I'm supposed to be keen on. My life seems to be running smoothly at the moment. At the moment.

My mind has imploded. Hamish and Andy are going to Towers on Saturday the 28th at 12 noon. Guess who will the the first there and the last to leave? Who will be there with me? There's some good food there at Towers ;D

Completely ignoring segue', My phone is a huge-ass, dick-face, monopolizing S.O.B. It seems to enjoy dropping out on me and deleteing contacts and not letting me hear the first three seconds of a phone call so the person I called thinks I hung up. Honestly, I wish I could just communicate telepathically with my friends. It would make things like writing co-ordinated speeches the night before much easier.

Also, AMANDA YAU, pretty cool, y'know?

Monday, January 11, 2010


Four words: My Life Is Average

Whoever has not visited this site has not LIVED! For some of us junkies, it's the only sense of routine in our lives. Wake up, possibly have breakfast, go do something with the twelve hours before you go to sleep perhaps ponder the meaning of your existence, READ MLIA, and go to sleep. Repeat.

I have knitting phases
During these phases, more than likely one or two people will ask me why I like to knit.
My answer? "I don't know... there's just something about the fingering and constant, repetitive, in-out motion that just....I dunno, drives me crazy"

That's right, from this day forward you will NEVER think of your grandmothers in the same way again.

Following a completely natural segue', I've been very proud of myself lately, my room has been more or less tidy for the last two or three weeks. I mean, there's no rubbish lying around anywhere. ANYWHERE!! ANYWHERE!!

Very excited about this year... I'm in Yr8 now! I've had the almost imponderable pleasure of burning all my books into the floor. School workbooks+arson= :)

OMG, new book that I must implore all of you to read absolutely immediately.
"Q&A" by Vikas Swarup. It is almost identical to the sauce derived from the fruit of the awesome tree. It is the book on which "Slumdog Millionaire" was based on. O but if you can't read about death/poverty/sex for any reason, you probably shouldn't read this book. 

MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR NEWS!!!!!   listen carefully...

The Game.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Today was slow, though not much slower than the rest of the holidays are. It's so hard to write a blog while chatting online.

I'm currently addicted, obsessed with Owl City. Yes, I'm one of THOSE people but don't knock it till you try it.


Weirdest thing happened to me today, I dropped my phone and I picked it up again. it was perfectly intact but it wouldn't turn on. After a few unsuccessful attempts to awaken it I checked the battery. It was gone. I was extremely confused because when I picked it up, the battery cover was on. Looking down, the missing battery was on the floor. I'm still VERY confused.

My dad's fish are cannibals! It's such a train-wreck to see them eating their dead or dying. gross.

Anyway, wear protection everyone~!